Monday, January 12, 2009

Here is a recent photo from a wedding I did in December! Boy was it cold outside! Thanks to Kyani I didn't get sick but let's talk about the picture. This photo was shot at 1/1600 at F3.5 with a wide angle lens at 800 ISO. I know that's a little high but thank goodness it still came out with the manual settings I had. Photography is alot of thinking and following a process. Practice, practice, practice!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

It's been along time for me log in to this and create a post. But here's a photo from the past that someone from across the world in Singapore was asking for from me recently. It's nice to see my work still be requested...

I've had one person told me they liked this picture because it looks like the girl in the photo is running above water! Of course she's not! but the beauty of photography is half the illusion.